Q&A: "I'm not getting Tutor News. Why?"

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Q&A: "I'm not getting Tutor News. Why?"

Seeds of Literacy uses a mass email service called Constant Contact. Although individual staff members may email you, Tutor News and special eblasts come from this system.  It's an effective way to reach the majority of tutors.

Admittedly, we send a lot of emails.

* Special alerts
* Professional development opportunities
* Monthly news
* Event promotions

If you have UNSUBSCRIBED from one email, you have unfortunately unsubscribed from THEM ALL. The system prevents us from adding you back in without your electronic permission, so adding you back takes a few additional steps.

If you are no longer receiving Monthly Tutor News, please email communications@seedsofliteracy.org with your full name and the email address you would like to use.

If you feel you are receiving too many emails from Seeds, simply delete. But please do not unsubscribe.

Director of Communications