Making Math Relatable

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Making Math Relatable

A common concern students express is "When am I ever going to need to use this?"  I thought it might be useful to have some ready-to-go answers for the most-frequently-seen skills

Fractions: Cooking, carpentry
Decimals: money
Percents: shopping
Interest: buying anything with a credit card, car payments, mortgage
Signed Numbers (pos/neg numbers): Bank fees, debt, altitude, temperature
Algebra: Can be used ANYTIME you don't know a number --> I will make a longer post about this specifically, but any problem can be written as algebra if you use a letter for the unknown number.  Sometimes, it makes algebra easier to understand if you talk about simpler math problems they know how to do (addition or subtraction) and show how it can actually be written as an algebra problem
Geometry: Moving, any time you need to measure something, home improvement

Anyway, these are some ideas.  But if anyone has other examples, please post them here!
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Re: Making Math Relatable


Estimating:  walking through a store with a few things in your hand and being able to about how much $$ you will need.

Decimals:  making change.  I often tell students to try to figure out the change you will bet before the cashier rings it up and you see it on the register.  Trying to gamify the skills.