How Well Do You Know Our Website?

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How Well Do You Know Our Website?

Seeds of Literacy has an extremely robust website. It's grown so much in the last 5 years you have probably missed a lot of useful resources.

Did you know you can find ready-made social media posts to share on your pages?

Did you know we have photo essays of past fundraising events and copies of speaker speeches?

Did you know we post job opportunities?

Did you know we have a press room of all of our media coverage?

We have a hub of online resources for students and tutors on a variety of subjects. These include Khan Academy, Light & Salt Learning, Readworks, and more. They can be utilized during tutoring, or for students to study on their own.

If you ever have a problem with our website....find a broken link, can't find what you need, etc, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Katie, Communications Director

Director of Communications